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Name the download contest

Hi all.  For some time now, we have been wanting to make the contents of entire DVD’s available as downloads.  We will be doing just that in a very short time, BUT FIRST, we need to figure out what to call this wonderfull product.  Can’t really call it a DVD Download cause, in the end, you don’t really get a DVD.  Well, the solution, I think, is to ask all of our paper family out there to come up with a name for this marvelous product.  Basically, all of the DVD’s which we currently have available, and all future ones, will become available as individual downloads.  For instance, the WOOD DVD will be a download, the STEEL DVD will become a download.  You get the picture.  Prices will probably remain the same.  Might come down a bit, since I am saving some labor and materials.  Average download size will be between 150MB to 400MB.  (So a good, fast connection is needed.  Usually not a problem now-a-days.)  We plan on rolling this feature out over the next few months.  Probably 2-3 DVD’s per month.  Depends on if we run into any unforeseen ISSUES.

Well, anyway,  Thom and I will select a winner, soley on whatever strikes our fancy.  Our goal is to pick the name within the next TWO WEEKS.  The winner of the contest will receive 75% off of all downloads for a week.  The top 5 runner ups will receive 25% off for the same time.

So give us a hand and NAME the DOWNLOAD!

You can use the CONTACT page or send me emil directly to <>.  Good Luck!


AKRON Machine Co. is now available for download in O & HO


Central Camera Corrections

Every once and a while “stuff happens”.  Even though we try to be careful, errors creep in.  It was brought to our attention that in the recently posted Central Camera kit, the Kodak, hanging wall sign, had one side printed in reverse.  The corrected sheets are now posted on the “FREEBIES” page.  It is the file marked F) and contains the O & HO fixes.  You just print what you want.  The download files were fixed yesterday, so if you bought the kit before that you probably need this fix.

Sorry for the mistake, Dave & Thom


Scratch building

My dad was a printer and over the years he would bring home (hoard) scrap paper and card stock. Having recently rediscovered a stack of Chipboard (that dense gray paper board on the back of legal pads) at least 3 feet thick, I have started using it as backing for some scratch building.

Folks always ask what’s inside the kits and I always say nothing but you can put in extra support. Well, I am enthusiastically recomending “Chipboard”. It cuts very cleanly and glues great. I’m building a mine for the new demo layout and the chipboard has been a great help in mocking up the basic forms to fit my landscape. I am then wraping the forms with our textures and getting very nice results.

I’ll post pix tomorrow.
