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Discussion > Ho or O

Is there a difference other than price if you order an HO kit or if you shrink an O scale kit down ie:is the colour better , crisper . I've only ever used O scale kits but a scale change to HO has me wondering. if any new kits should be O or HO..
My sound silly but I was just wondering ??

September 16, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterPatrick
Well Patrick, the short answer is no, there should be no discernable difference. I have heard from others that they always buy O and then print HO because you get smaller dots, closer together. WRONG! printers are fairly intelligent creatures, and their software knows how many dots are required to give an image of the required sharpness and provides them as necessary. What that means is simply, dots (by the way, printers don't print in pixels, they print in dots. That's a whole nuther discussion.) are eliminated as the printer feels necessary, to produce a perfect image.
You mentioned price. Our older kits were priced by scale because we thought (incorrectly) that smaller scales were getting less, so the price should be less. WRONG. The correct pricing model is that everyone is getting exactly the same data, so all scales should pay the same. That is one of the conclusions that allowed us to switch to putting out kits in one scale. The biggest advantage to buying O scale files is that you have the ability to print out any size you want. If you want 1:253 scale, you can have it. Many print in unique sizes to use forced perspective on their layouts.
September 16, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterDavid W Miecznikowski